

Lubrich, P., Comerio, M., Bureš, P., and Thelisson, E. Enhancing accessibility and interoperability of mobility data: mobilityDCAT-AP, a metadata specification for mobility data portals. In Transport Research Arena Conference, Dublin, Ireland.


Thelisson, E., and Verma, H. Conformity assessment under the EU AI act general approach. In AI & Ethics, Online. Link.


Thelisson, E., Grzegorz, M., Schneiter, Q., Padh, K., and Verma, H. Toward Responsible AI Use: Considerations for Sustainability Impact Assessment. In arXiv:2312.11996 [cs.HC]. Link.


Padh, K., Thelisson, E., and Verma, H. Public Sentiment as a Complementary Indicator of Corporate Responsibility. In Symposium on Governance of AI in the European Union, Douai, France. Link.


Thelisson, E. Non-prolifération de l’intelligence artificielle générative–Quel en-cadrement normatif?. In L’Association française pour l’Intelligence Artificielle, 120, 62-69. Link.


Thelisson, E., & Verma, H. EU AI Act and Conformity Assessment. In AAAI’23 Workshop organized by Confiance.AI.


de Marcellis-Warin, N., Marty, F., Thelisson, E., & Warin, T. Artificial intelligence and consumer manipulations: from consumer’s counter algorithms to firm’s self-regulation tools. AI and Ethics, 2(2), 259-268. Link.


Thelisson, E., & Ho-Dac, M. Le consommateur européen face à l’intelligence artificielle – Quel cadre règlementaire au sein du marché unique numérique ? (The European Consumer and Artificial Intelligence – What Regulatory Framework within the Digital Single Market’?). In Le droit européen de la consommation au XXIème siècle : état des lieux et perspectives. Editions Bruylant. Link.


Lambert, D., Thelisson, E., Reichberg, G. M., & Abi Ghanem, A. Human Fraternity in the cyberspace: ethical challenges and opportunities. In A. de La Rochefoucauld , & S. Saldi (Eds.), Human Fraternity in Cyberspace : Ethical Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 13-30). The Caritas in Veritate Foundation. Link.


Thelisson, E. AI Technologies and Accountability in Digital Health. In Cambridge Bioethics and the Law Series, Cambridge University Press. Link.


Thelisson, E. Le Règlement général sur la protection des données et son impact en Suisse. Les Éditions du Net. Link.


Pégny, M., Thelisson, E., & Ibnouhsein, I. The Right to an Explanation: An Interpretation and Defense. Delphi – Interdisciplinary Review of Emerging Technologies, 2(4), 161-166. Link.


Thelisson, E., Morin, J., & Rochel, J. AI Governance: Digital Responsibility as a Building Block: Towards an Index of Digital Responsibility. Delphi – Interdisciplinary Review of Emerging Technologies, 2(4), 167-178. Link.


Thelisson, E. The scope of the extraterritorial character of the General Data Protection Regulation. Revue internationale de droit economique, 33(4), 501-533. Link.


Thelisson, E. The central role of states for building a balanced AI governance. Delphi, 2, 155. Link.


Thelisson, E. Towards a Computational Sustainability for AI/ML to Foster Responsibility. In Proceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (pp. 386-387). Link.


Thelisson, E., Sharma, K., Salam, H., & Dignum, V. The general data protection regulation: An opportunity for the hci community?. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-8). Link.


Thelisson, E., Padh, K., & Celis, L. E. Regulatory mechanisms and algorithms towards trust in AI/ML. In Proceedings of the IJCAI 2017 workshop on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), Melbourne, Australia(pp. 19-21). Link.


Thelisson, E. Towards Trust, Transparency and Liability in AI/AS systems. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), Melbourne, Australia (pp. 5215-5216). Link.


Thelisson, E. Un État Mondial via Internet?. Les Editions du Net. Link.

Edited Volumes and Journals


Braunschweig, B., Mattioli, J., & Thelisson, E. AI Trustworthiness Evaluation. Springer. Link.


Thelisson, E., Warin, T., Longepe, N., & de Marcellis-Warin, N. AI & Big Data Analytics for Emergency Preparedness and Responses Systems. Frontiers. Link.


Thelisson, E., Ho-Dac, M., Padh, K., & Verma, H. Topical Collection on the AI Governance Forum 2022: The EU AI Act – Towards a Global Consensus on Responsible AI?. AI and Ethics. Springer. Link.


Thelisson, E., Gill, A., Verma, H., Sharma, K., Rotenberg, M., Belgrave, D., & Cambon-Thomsen, A. Governance of AI: Challenges for a Sustainable Digital Ecosystem. AI and Ethics, 2(2). Springer. Link.